Monday, April 14, 2008

Demonstration of Irony Defies Expectations

Aberdeen, SD- What began as an innocent academic exercise has become a baffling event for local scholars.

The Aberdeen Public Schools district holds an annual Grammar fair, similar to a science fair. The difference between the two lies in the fact that at the Grammar fair, student’s projects illustrate principles of grammar, syntax and literary device.

Billy Driscoll, a seventh grader, submitted a project on the nature of irony. Judges, casual attendees and other students were stunned to discover that Billy’s results showed the opposite of what was expected.

“He used words to convey a meaning that was the opposite of their literal meaning,” stated Louise Turek, one of the teachers judging the event. “I mean, the attitude illustrated was the opposite of that which was ostensibly stated. It is still a bit confusing for everyone.”

Other members of the judging panel have stated that Billy’s project could easily be confused as demonstrating “coincidental” or “incongruent” literary devices. As a result, Driscoll’s project did not receive 1st prize. Instead, Rachel Nelson’s easily understood, clearly detailed project on “pedantic” writing, won.